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Established in 2020, POSTECH Mathematical Institute for Data Science (MINDS) is the community of researchers in the areas of fundamental data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and humanitarian data science. MINDS mission is to provide a platform for collaboration among researchers and to provide various opportunities for students in data science. MINDS also aims to use our data science research to serve our local and global communities pursuing humanitarian data science.


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MINDS Seminar Series | Wooseok Ha (Amazon Web Services) - Prominent Roles of Conditionally Invariant Components in Domain Adaptation: Theory and Algorithms

period : 2023-05-09 ~ 2023-05-09
time : 10:00:00 ~ 11:00:00
개최 장소 : Online streaming (Zoom)
Topic : Prominent Roles of Conditionally Invariant Components in Domain Adaptation: Theory and Algorithms
Date 2023-05-09 ~ 2023-05-09 Time 10:00:00 ~ 11:00:00
Speaker Wooseok Ha Affiliation Amazon Web Services
Place Online streaming (Zoom) Streaming link ID : 688 896 1076 / PW : 54321
Topic Prominent Roles of Conditionally Invariant Components in Domain Adaptation: Theory and Algorithms
Contents Domain adaptation (DA) is a statistical learning problem that arises when the distribution of the source data used to train a model differs from that of the target data used to test the model. While many DA algorithms have demonstrated considerable empirical success, the unavailability of target labels in DA makes it challenging to determine their effectiveness in new datasets without a theoretical basis. Therefore, it is essential to clarify the assumptions required for successful DA algorithms and quantify the corresponding theoretical guarantees under these assumptions. In this work, we focus on the assumption that conditionally invariant components (CICs) useful for prediction exist across the source and target data. Under this assumption, we demonstrate that CICs, which can be estimated through conditional invariant penalty (CIP), play three prominent roles in providing theoretical guarantees for DA algorithms. First, we introduce a new CIC-based algorithm called importance-weighted conditional invariant penalty (IW-CIP), which has target risk guarantees beyond simple settings such as covariate shift and label shift. Second, we show that CICs can be used to identify large discrepancies between source and target risks of other DA algorithms. Finally, we demonstrate that incorporating CICs into the domain invariant projection (DIP) algorithm helps to address its well-known failure scenario caused by label-flipping features. We support our new algorithms and theoretical findings via numerical experiments on synthetic data, MNIST, CelebA, and Camelyon17 datasets.
MinDS MinDS · 2023-03-06 16:33 · Views 1008

POSTECH SIAM Student Chapter

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MINDS Seminar Series on Data Science, Machine Learning, and Scientific Computing

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