

MINDS Seminar Series | Sunwoo Park (NIMS) - Graph representations: Weisfeiler-Lehman tests, convolution, and topological data analysis

period : 2022-03-08 ~ 2022-03-08
time : 17:00:00 ~ 18:00:00
개최 장소 : Online streaming (Zoom)
Topic : Graph representations: Weisfeiler-Lehman tests, convolution, and topological data analysis
Date 2022-03-08 ~ 2022-03-08 Time 17:00:00 ~ 18:00:00
Speaker Sun Woo Park Affiliation NIMS
Place Online streaming (Zoom) Streaming link ID : 688 896 1076 / PW : 54321
Topic Graph representations: Weisfeiler-Lehman tests, convolution, and topological data analysis
Contents Graphs are widely considered as adequate forms of mathematical structures for expressing a wide class of non-Euclidean data, such as chemical compounds, genome sequences, trading networks, and social networking systems. The procedure of representing graphs as real vectors is a challenging problem indispensable to classifying innate properties of graphs. We explore a few strategies commonly used for obtaining real representations of graphs, which are Weisfeiler-Lehman tests, graph convolutional networks, and persistent homological techniques, along with assessments on their qualitative performances in classifying graph datasets. If time allows, we will discuss some possible research directions in addressing the limitations of these previously studied methods.
MinDS MinDS · 2022-03-02 16:26 · Views 813