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MINDS Seminar Series | Jongbaek.Song (Pusan National University) - Stability theorem of bigraded persistence barcodes

Date 2023-05-02 ~ 2023-05-02 Time 17:00:00 ~ 18:00
Speaker Jongbaek.Song Affiliation Pusan National University
Place Online streaming (Zoom) Streaming link ID : 688 896 1076 / PW : 54321
Topic Stability theorem of bigraded persistence barcodes
Contents Given a simplicial complex K, one can define a topological space Z(K) called the moment-angle complex associated with K. The cohomology ring of Z(K) is captured by the Tor-algebra of the face ring of K. In this talk, we introduce the bigraded persistent homology modules and the bigraded barcodes of a finite pseudo-metric space using the ordinary and double cohomology of Z(K). Then we discuss the stability theorem for the bigraded persistent homology modules and barcodes.